Products: Comfort Heating

1.) BANANZA AIR MANGEMENT SYSTEMS, Inc. [web] - Make-Up Air Units, Air Rotation Units. Your solution for efficient and affordable heating, ventilation and replacement air. The Product Line consists of the following Heaters:

1.) Direct Gas-Fired Make-Up Air Units. CFM Ranges of 350 to 60,000. BTUH Ranges of 400,000 to 7MM BTUH. All Units are ETL certified with a 2 year warranty. Many different options are available to fit the customers' needs. Vertical and Horizontal configurations.

2.) Spray-Cure Heaters: The most cost efficient way to operate an automotive spray booth. The heater allows you to cure the finish on a vehicle in the shortest amount of time possible. It brings in a controlled amount of fresh tempered outside air, which keeps debris from entering the spray booth. This positive pressurization in a spray booth improves operation by flushing out dirt, overspray and fumes. The result is quality paint jobs from your spray booth. The heaters can be used with down draft, semi-down draft and cross draft spray booths.

2.) SOLARONICS, INC. [web] - Gas Infra-Red Comfort Heaters. Vented and Unvented, Stainless Steel Tube Heaters. Solaronics offers total heating solutions for commercial, industrial and recreational buildings with savings up to 75% in energy costs. This has been a proven system design for over 30 years. They offer the following styles of Heaters:

1.) High Intensity Gas Infra-Red Heaters: Compact and durable, modular design. Natural Gas or Propane. Flexible inputs from 30,000 to 200,000 BTUH. Requires no direct venting. A.G.A. and C.G.A. Design Certified.

2.) Low Intensity Gas Infra-Red Tube Heaters: Tubes lengths are offered from 10 to 70 feet. U-Tube configurations are also available. BTUH's range from 40,000 to 200,000 BTUH. Natural Gas or Propane. Rotatable aluminum reflectors direct the heat where you want it. Stainless Steel Heaters are available for wet, humid and corrosive environments. A.G.A . and C.G.A. Certified.

3.) Door Jet Heaters: Stainless Steel Gas Fired Heaters stop the chills and wasted energy that occur when outside bay doors are opened in car washes, industrial plants and distribution centers. Heaters range from 550,000 to 950,000 BTUH input to fit most applications. A single Door Jet heater will handle door openings up to 12' x 12'. Determine BTUH rating and number of heaters needed on a basis of 5,500 BTUH per square foot of door opening. Larger openings require two or more heaters.